Monday, August 27, 2012

2,248 miles.

i am doing it again. venturing out. following the Lord. and this time He's taking me to scottsdale, arizona. for two years. tomorrow i will be leaving my home my family my friends. everything i know. driving across the country and heading towards nothing i know at all. i will get to work full time for young life, hanging out with high school kids and talking about jesus. loving on people. starting over in a new place and letting God mold me into who He wants me to be. i am excited. i am nervous. i am happy i am sad. i am overwhelmed and completely uncomfortable. it's going to be great.

tomorrow i will drive alongside my best friend of eleven years to indiana. and then missouri, texas, new mexico, and finally arizona. for two years.

car is packed and ready to go. stoked.

1 comment:

  1. This new journey is so different than the last one, because you are setting out on a journey that has no end. Yes, it is a 2 year commitment, but you are following a call of a lifetime of adventure with the Lord. I can't wait to hear who you meet, how much you learn and what made you laugh. He has found you and will continue to lead you. Walk boldly!
    Love ya!
