Monday, May 9, 2011

i am home.

it's over. the end of this chapter of my life. onto new ones. and the end was great. seriously nonstop fun for a week. we took full advantage of our last week. the last night our program basically took over this bar and danced, laughed, and cried all night. it was terribly fun and terribly sad. most of us had to leave early in the morning so we just stayed up all night. which we were absolutely feeling the next day...but it was worth it. it was all worth it. all the energy all the tears all the missed sleep- it was worth it. this was the best four months of my life and i am absolutely changed for the better. it is over. i am home.

the last night my dear three best friends and i ventured up a large hill to piazza michelangelo. we sat in silence and watched the sun set over the beautiful city we loved. so i jotted down some words on the back of a receipt

Our hair is longer

Our skin is darker

Our wallets are emptier

Our hearts are fuller

Our Italian is better

Our eyes are wider

Our horizons are broader

Our friendship is deeper

Our suitcases are heavier

Our futures are brighter

i left home to come home.

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