Monday, January 31, 2011

pasta. dresses. all these dresses. opera. opera and seashells. no lo so.

(written 1/28)

the best experiences in all of italy happen by chance. after school today we were trying to use the internet in the student center and there was this extremely good looking australian guy playing guitar. he stopped playing so i said hey don’t do that and he said but it’s almost 130 and i said oh (no idea why that would be significant). anyway talked to him for a little bit and then a lot of people started coming in and we didn’t know why. turns out we accidentally had front row seats to a mini italian opera concert. our new australian friend sam apparently sings opera. so he and this older italian man sang and it was crazy good. funny the cool things we stumble upon. lauren got some footage. australian beauty starts at 3:30

(video to come)

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