Monday, January 17, 2011

london is dreary.

i haven't had internet the whole time i've been here so i've got some catching up to do. rewind to last flight didn't get canceled and i ended up in london at a ripe 6am which is 1am USA. having slept zero hours on the plane. and then had a full day of londoning in the muggy rain. saw some cool stuff. everything is so expensive. i made friends right away but still haven't met everyone seeing as there are 165 of us. overall london consisted of lots of rain, walking, sightseeing, pub hopping, and very little sleep. good times, but i don't know if i could have studied there. the first night was the most fun, we had a welcome drink in the hotel and then a bunch of girls went to dinner at this sweet pub full of old british men. fish and chips are actually good. later that night 7 of us went out which ended up being a journey around london. we finally ended up at this bar which turned out to be really fun. european guys dancing is one of the funniest things i've ever seen. and they love to buy drinks for american girls so we took full advantage. after leaving we took like an hour to find the right bus and finally got home around 4am. some people went like 40 hours without sleeping. the next day we had a bus tour which i may or may not have fallen asleep on. saturday morning we had to leave the hotel at 545am to take a flight to pisa. this is how saturday went: hour bus ride to airport, hours of waiting for delayed flight, 2 hour flight, 2.5 hours of people organization at the airport, 2 hour bus ride from pisa airport to siena. arrive at hotel at 7pm. a whole day of travel. unnecessary. so now we're in siena.

this is the bridge from the beginning of the 6th harry potter movie. seriously. the real thing. i think i saw a death eater fly by but couldn't capture it fast enough. next time.

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