Friday, April 8, 2011

arno rats

i can't believe i haven't written about this sooner.

there are rats in the arno. not little scurrying rats. like huge stampeding rats. we heard about them and assumed the were a legend/exaggerated. and how horribly understated they were...

i wish i had something to show exactly how big these suckers are. 3 feet on average including their tail. at first we thought they were actually beavers. but close inspection and pictures prove they are nothing but rats. and don't worry there's a huge nest of them right by our house. we've actually become quite fond of them and enjoy showing them off to visitors. they don't bother us. they're just huge. freakishly huge. and real funny. so in case you ever hear a tall tale about huge mutant river rats- know it's real life.

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