Monday, February 14, 2011

a blurb stolen from my dear friend julianna's blog

in response to the events this weekend:

"i'm discovering here that chaos can be so effervescently beautiful. that confusion and tensions and tears give way to laughter and community and love. this life is such an wonderful mess. one moment you can feel like life cannot possibly break your heart more, and in that same moment the comfort of a friend, the smile of a stranger, or the overwhelming beauty of nature reminds you of the magnificence of this life. this life is not to be wasted in pursuing meaningless tasks. an attempt to promote self and seek after success. rather it is an opportunity to appreciate the place you are sitting right this very moment, and the people who surround you. this semester, this day, this very moment, i am choosing to inhale the life swirling in the air around me. and i choose to breath that life into others. may life be breathed into you today, my friend."

check her out:

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