Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i am in love with this city

i can't believe i have to leave in three weeks. seriously can't believe it. i know it seems kind of far away but i just can't imagine leaving. i mean i will. and i am excited to come home. but i am not looking forward to leaving. i love this city.

florence has honestly become my home. i feel so comfortable here. i know where i am at all(most) times. i know how to get wherever i need to go. i can walk around all day by myself and never get bored. i actually do that quite often. i can walk into gusta panino and know exactly what i want. and that andrea will be working and will make my panini exactly how i like it. i spend my afternoons in between classes at volume, my favorite coffee shop, for hours at a time and never get kicked out. and i mean hours. i have italian friends. i have restaurants i frequent. i'm a regular.

florence has changed me. i am more independent and adventurous than ever (if you can believe it). i have become even more passionate about life and i feel like i know what full life means. i hope i never lose this drive. that i continue to explore god's glory every day for the rest of my life. because we're not living in forever. and i don't want to miss anything. i love god more because of the awesome things he's shown me since being here. through art and nature and people and life in general. and that doesn't stop in italy. but i do have this experience to thank for that.

i am so attached to this place i don't know how i am ever going to leave.

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