Saturday, February 5, 2011


maybe you're wondering...does jacqueline actually go to school in italy? the answer is yes. occasionally. we completed an entire 3 credit course of italian during our two weeks in siena. intensive italian to the core. and now i have four classes. renaissance and baroque italy- a history course. interesting, we met at a church thursday instead of the classroom. our teacher is kind of a mousey mr rogers with a little zing in him. he's pretty funny. history of the italian mafia- very interesting. we watch lots of movies, but not like the sopranos. like real italian mafia movies. scary but cool. that professor looks like he himself may be a part of the mafia. and he doesn't take crap. kapeesh? basic spoken italian- a continuance of the elementary italian 1 class we took in siena. pretty dang easy. our teacher reminds me of the kind of teacher i picture my mom to be. passionate about the language and a little on the kooky side. and finally art in context. i love this class. it's basically art history which i've already taken. but it's different. and we don't need textbooks. why? because we can just meet in the santa croce and see whatever fresco would have been poorly represented in the page of a book. that, my friends, is how you learn. in class thursday i stood in front of the tomb of michelangelo. it's a weird feeling being surrounded by all this stuff. unreal actually. i love it. and my art in context professor is my favorite. he's french. his name is peter and he has long gray hair, wears large red glasses, and a sweater/scarf combo every day. he calls us children. and he loooves art let me tell you. art history isn't really history here, it's kind of just life. i would have it no other way. so yes i am going to school. just not usually in a classroom. and i don't hate that one bit.

a little taste of the view on my walk to school every day

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